Monday, August 6, 2012

dropped off the face of the earth

But back. (For tonight at least...)

Yesterday as I was starting to move a wooden patio chair into my car I thought better of it as I noticed all the crazy spiderwebs and egg sacks crammed into the corners and cracks on its underside.  I decided to spray it down instead so turned on the hose and power washed away as much of the debris as I could.  I watched a lot of poor confused spiders come out from the webs and cracks and I let them scurry into the bushes nearby without bothering them.  But then I saw the giant black widow that was clinging to the chair's leg.  *shudder*.  How can such a small thing make me feel so threatened?  I knocked it onto the ground and killed it with the toe of my sneaker.  It's innards were off-white, like the inside of a blueberry, almost.

I left the chair there to dry, but I don't know that I'll go back to pick it up.  Maybe put it on the street with a 'free' sign on it, instead?  Is that too extreme?

And now to get that whole thing out of my head I will look at this picture of flowers I took at lunch today...