Saturday, January 26, 2013

Friday night snakeskin

I went bowling tonight with 2 friends, and had a great time.  They're both friends I've met since being here in LA, which is nice.  It's a giant crazy city but I still have faith that it can work for me here.  I suppose time will tell...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday pattern

An old scan of a drawing reworked...

Monday, January 14, 2013

cold winter's night

All the flora here in LA is amazing- the pods and seeds and crazy-giant leaves that grow and grow without a frost to kill them...  And I've taken photos and drawn some but not nearly like I thought I would...
These pods are from the loop I run at lunch- How funny that I moved to LA but still managed to find myself working at an office close to a really nice trail for running.  Instead of Coyotes and Bald Eagles and Prairie dogs it's Lizards and Crows and Egrets now, but reminiscent of my Colorado runs, and still restorative to leave my desk at noon and slip into a different space for part of the day.